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TAG asset health management

Find the weakest link on your line with TAG asset health index and asset risk index feature.

Asset health management and asset health index

TAG’s asset health index management gives you the ability to make better decisions to identify and prioritize maintenance on assets that require attention. With linear assets, TAG will display your weakest link on a specific line. One of the most important components of an effective EAM system is the capacity to suggest actions based on assets’ health index scores and criticality for the business to assess the risk index of each asset. For efficient asset health monitoring and maintenance scheduling, rely on TAG.

TAG’s asset health index management features a percentage score based on configurable formulas from different data sources generated in TAG or third-party application. TAG’s data sources include: assets’ life management, conditional monitoring, faults or reasons associated with work order and tasks, or usage levels based on meter reading or IoT sensors.

Ready to see how TAG asset health management can benefit your organization?

What can companies and maintenance teams achieve with TAG Asset Health Index?

Monitor assets to act fast

Quickly gain visibility on an asset card throughout TAG of the health index scores of all assets to help technicians or managers be more proactive during their day-to-day actions.

Predict the future

The health index ledger by asset, subassembly or group of assets can show trends in time to keep in check and predict assets’ future health and potential maintenance costs.

Get suggestions and automate actions

Set up customizable risk index calculations and rules to automatically receive suggestions or trigger actions based on pre-defined risk tolerance levels.

Be better aware of the risks

TAG’s risk index can be preconfigured on each piece of equipment or equipment group based on associated business risk levels in the event of a failure or shutdown.

Key features of TAG's Asset Health Index

Automate health index calculations

Calculate your assets’ health indexes from different data sources and ensure that the results are weighted based on the criticality of each piece of equipment or group of equipment.

Configure risk index calculations and rules

Get suggestions for the most appropriate intervention or automatically trigger an action based on the attained risk level as generated by the health index calculation.

Access a comprehensive health index ledger

Identify trends over time for each asset and improve your preventative maintenance.

Integrate health index calculation with linear functionalities

Quickly identify your weakest link by segment on a line or throughout an entire line—and determine the risk level to your business.

TAG’s asset health index and risk index give you the critical information you need to proactively monitor your assets’ state of health and conduct maintenance before any negative impact to your lines.

TAG Capital Project

TAG Capital Project management software can help you tackle any major maintenance project—whether internal or external—to keep your CAPEX budget and timelines in check.


What are maintenance capital projects?

Maintenance capital projects are usually part of a larger CAPEX program, such as repairing an entire production line or major machinery purchase implementations. Managing capital projects entails estimating and project planning, work order execution, project forecasting, risk management, and reporting and analyses on project milestones. Capital-intensive businesses in industries, such as rail, mass transit, utilities, oil and gas, mining, petrochemicals and airlines, benefit from maintenance capital project management software like TAG.

TAG Capital Project leverages digital technologies to drive true business value across all stages of your equipment lifecycle—from strategy and planning through to managing assets’ useful life and decommissioning. In TAG Capital Project, you can manage any type of internal or external project. It can handle phase-task budgeting, scheduling and WIPs, allowing you to perform real-time analyses on actual costs versus budgets.

Ready to see how TAG Capital Project can benefit your organization?

What can companies and maintenance teams achieve with TAG Capital Project?

Automate your workforce scheduling

TAG Capital Project is integrated with TAG EAM so that you can globally assign all work coming from maintenance work orders or project work orders using only one scheduling tool. Gain a better view of the availability and workload of your staff, tools, vendors and contractors.

Get better control over budgets and costs

TAG Capital Project is a real job management tool that includes Gantt charts so that your project manager can create budgets and schedules in the software, cumulating all costs from internal teams, contractors, materials and expenses in one place.

Execute large and complex capital projects with ease

Many major maintenance projects can run for months and even years, making it hard to keep track of all open work orders and manage scheduling. TAG Capital Project will link all work orders to a single project so that you can keep them under control.

Track all costs and resources

TAG Capital Project also features a comprehensive time sheet. Some employees, including engineers and architects, will not work from work orders. TAG Capital Project acts as a time sheet that is independent of maintenance work orders so that resources’ time and costs can also be tracked against a single source of project information.

Reduce the risk of cost and schedule overruns

TAG Capital Project’s workflow and approval process keep project managers in control. They can review time sheets and work orders before capturing time and expenses against the task. They can also independently manage tasks that have been overbooked or avoid booking time over budget against a task—and get an immediate warning for budget reallocation.

Benefit from seamless interoperability

TAG Capital Project is the perfect fit for complex maintenance projects. TAG Capital Project is a plug-and-play module that can be quickly activated in TAG EAM, which eliminates the hassle of setting up a new system from scratch.

Streamline month-end procedures

Budget and project revisions and forecasts in TAG Capital Project deliver real-time assessments of changing costs. The solution calculates capital investments for your internal projects and prepares accounting entries. If you carry out service projects for your customers, it will calculate revenue from work in progress associated to each project.

Generate customizable in-depth reports

Extensive reporting options in TAG Capital Project show commitment and spend progress at multiple levels. You can deliver updated and relevant project updates to all stakeholders. Because TAG is a part of Microsoft’s solution stack, you can use out-of-the box reporting capabilities or Power BI analytics.

TAG Maintenance Capital Project key features

Project structure with phases and tasks

Embed an unlimited level of phases and tasks into a project. For each task, you can budget inventory or part requirements, labor time and value, and expenses. Create dependencies as well as start and end dates and times for any task or phase. Map your project scheduling throughout weeks, months and years in one project structure.

Drag-and-drop project scheduling

Manage and schedule your project tasks and phases with a visual Gantt chart tool. From the chart, you can create a new task or phase, and view real versus forecasted budgets. Need to reschedule a task? Simply drag and drop it, and pinpoint critical dependencies for optimized project coordination.

Work order creation from a project task

In TAG Capital Project, you can create a work order that will allow you to dispatch and schedule staff, service providers, and tools. Qualified employees who are responsible for your regular maintenance can be assigned to a project work order.

Resource booking and time sheets

If you have experts who are not part of your regular workforce or are not associated to maintenance personnel—but that need to work on a project—you can nevertheless book them and generate time sheets directly in TAG Capital Project. You can schedule specific resources so they can see the job in their calendars with task information and enter their real time spent.

Time approvals and workflows

Time coming from TAG Capital Project work orders or time sheets will be automatically sent into the approval workflow for review by the project manager. This will ensure proper time allocation to your budget and respect of planned work. Staff members can request more time from managers if the allotted time is not sufficient.

Project link to customer invoicing

Projects can be assigned to a customer as part of a Maintenance-as-a-Service offer. If linked to a customer, your project can be invoiced based on time and material, or fixed miles stones. You can configure work and part pricing by customer and currency.

Purchase order and inventory links to TAG Capital Project

You can assign a PO line to a specific task. When you receive goods or services against the line, it will become an expense. You can also use inventory directly from a project task or from TAG Capital Project work orders assigned to the task, thereby changing the cost. You can also plan a production or kitting from a task and use the produced part.

Work in progress and capitalization

Based on budget and inventory use, the system can evaluate—by task and phase—the work in progress calculation to create entries and capitalize costs against equipment. If a project is assigned to a customer, it will evaluate the portion of revenue that should be attributed for that specific period and prepare the accounting entries.

TAG Capital Project ensures complete capital project management while keeping budgets and timelines in check. Discover it today.

TAG Geographic Information System for maintenance management

Visually and easily track your work orders and assets with TAG’s advanced GIS map feature.


What is TAG GIS?

TAG’s advanced GIS feature is built to facilitate maintenance processes and communication between technicians and team members who initiate work orders. TAG can automatically position all of your equipment on a map simply by using the coordinates of your equipment and facility as well as CAD drawings. When maintenance technicians receive a work order on their mobile devices via TAG’s Mobility Suite, they can use TAG GIS feature to view their location, as well as the equipment’s location and image. They can drill down from there to access vital information on the faulty equipment, such as past maintenance, warranties, etc. What’s more, thanks to TAG GIS, technicians can view all current work orders around them by priority and area in a plant—and provide additional assistance to other crews, if required.

Ready to see how TAG Geographic Information System can benefit your organization?

What can companies and maintenance teams achieve with TAG GIS?

Quickly locate faulty equipment in the field

Coordinates on equipment cards precisely position assets on the map so that they appear as icons, with a color that represents each type of equipment. A pop-up hovers on top of the icons to provide more information for technicians.

Easily process transactions directly from the map

Work order requesters and technicians can access equipment cards by choosing the equipment right on the map, and thereby process requests or complete work. Users can also have access to all equipment information and statistics based on their roles and security permissions.

Visually track all assets per room in your facility

Visualizing your equipment in each room and in each floor of your facility, with accurate drawings, locations and asset information, can significantly accelerate your maintenance processes.

Use an interactive map to efficiently access actual maintenance data

Seeing your equipment and facility on a map is one thing. But imagine accessing a wide range of maintenance information from that map, such as critical work orders under completion, unattended issues, and more. Click on a specific piece of equipment to view all related information.

Create equipment and its geographical coordinates on the fly

Technicians can easily create new equipment from scratch or a template, or duplicate it from another existing asset. Assign a barcode by scanning it with a mobile device camera or create an intelligent QR code to stick on the equipment. TAG GIS can then connect to the mobile device’s GPS to automatically insert the equipment’s coordinates.

Facilitate communications with your customers

If you execute maintenance as a service (MaaS), you can use TAG GIS to help customers visualize equipment in their facilities or out in the field—either for their own workflows or to simplify the communication process with your team.

Leverage 3D CAD drawings as you transition to IoT and Artificial Intelligence

You can use your 3D CAD drawings of your equipment and facility in TAG GIS to take the first step towards monitoring your equipment int real time and in virtual reality thanks to its direct link to TAG IoT. By using the Linear feature, you can view the sequential impact of an initial downtime of a piece of equipment on your other assets.

Keep track of your workforce

By adding IoT and route optimization features in TAG EAM, you can track your technicians’ devices live on the map. Easily pinpoint the closest available technicians to a new work order that has just came in and proactively communicate with them to ensure quick dispatching.

TAG GIS for asset management enables you to harness the power of multiple layers of asset data on map to boost your maintenance team’s productivity and performance.

TAG linear asset management

Improve maintenance planning and scheduling to mitigate risks to your production lines.


TAG Linear Asset Management

Planning or executing maintenance on equipment that is part of a production line? It is imperative that you quickly identify the impact on all related equipment. TAG’s linear asset management allows managers and technicians to quickly identify effects maintenance will have throughout a production line. TAG’s linear asset management will also automate line shutdowns and line planning for manager.

TAG linear asset management advanced features will create the dependency relationships between assets and segments of the product line. This relationship can be unidirectional or bi-directional. It can also handle junctions in which multiple production lines can go through a specific segment or utilize a specific asset.

Ready to see how TAG Linear Asset Management can benefit your organization?

Mitigate the risks with TAG linear asset maintenance management

Conduct preventative maintenance planning

Use TAG’s linear asset management for planning preventive maintenance by production line and dispatching maintenance crews to the right segment.

Use TAG’s mobility capabilities

Using TAG’s mobility suite, technicians can identify how their interventions impact production lines, related equipment and other assets.

Take advantage of advanced automation

Perform automated cascade shutdowns by production line and swiftly re-route planning.

Gain better visibility through GIS

Geographic Information System (GIS) means your technicians can quickly geo-locate all production lines and related equipment.

Main features of TAG's Linear Asset Management System

Configure parameters online

Configure line codes, line descriptions as well as each segment by associating equipment and their relationships to the next segment.

Manage inter-relationships between segments and equipment

Manage the bi-directional or unidirectional relationships between different segments to properly identify the impacts across all assets.

Program settings for multiple line junctions

Configure multiple line junctions on the same segment as well as their inter-relationships.

Leverage TAG’s GIS integration

Access an easy-to-understand graphical representation of each segment and line on a map for improved team efficiency.

TAG’s linear asset management allows you to better control the risks and impact of maintenance and shutdowns throughout a line or segment.